Baby Step 8: Which cooking oils are the healthiest?
Click through to download video Oils are an interesting aspect of healthy eating. Some people say to never use them…
Recipe: Quick and Easy Chickpea Tomato Soup
Click through to download video This soup is super easy and quick to put together on a busy weeknight. It’s…
Baby Step 7: Heather’s secret daily time-saving techniques.
Click through to download video You don’t always have time to make elaborate meals. No one does. Personally, I don’t…
Recipe: Spiced Falafel Burgers
Click through to download video Veggie burgers are always my most popular recipes—and I’m sure you’re going to love these…
Baby Step 6: Healthy can taste amazing.
Click through to download video Quick: if I say “healthy food” do you assume it’s going to taste like cardboard?…
Recipe: Chocolate Squash Crumble
Click through to download video Ok, I know what you’re thinking: chocolate isn’t the answer to cravings! Reality check: you…
Baby Step 5: Overcoming cravings.
Click through to download video Some cravings are in the realm of a hankering, fairly low on the intensity scale.…
Recipe: Savory Buckwheat Meatballs
Click through to download video Being vegan doesn’t have to mean ditching your favorite comfort meals—including meatballs! I love this…
Baby Step 4: Balanced vegan nutrition.
Click through to download video There are a lot of misconceptions about vegan and vegetarian diets. So let’s clear things…
Recipe: Spicy Black Bean Pizza
Click through to download video This is a recipe that uses several of the techniques for making vegetables taste good,…
Baby Step 3: How to make vegetables taste good.
Click through to download video When you were little, did you have some veggies that you hated? I sure did.…
Recipe: Candy Cane Superfood Ice Cream
Click through to download video You might not believe me, but ice cream can give you a healthy energy boost…
Baby Step 2: Boost your energy levels naturally
Click through to download video One of my favorite outcomes of eating healthier: feeling more energized. Because waking up groggy,…
Recipe: Roasted Squash Parsley Dip
Click through to download video There are so many things you can make with parsley aside from using it as…
Post-Run Stretch + Strength
Click through to download video This is what I do after short runs, to stretch and get some strength work…
Baby Steps, Baby.
Skip the grandiose, skip the gross, just nail it. One step at a time. You know what you need to…
Baby Step 1: Put Some Parsley In It
Click through to download video Parsley is insanely nutrient-dense (def’n: really high in nutrients per calorie), so put it in…
FDR Week 2:
Cravings, Emotional Eating, and Eating Out This week, we’ll tackle the hard stuff. When it comes to cravings and emotions, you need to delve deeper into the psychological side of life. We’ll go deep into triggers, reactions and coping mechanisms, and then talk about how to start to overcome them with practical techniques to prevent
Rise & Shine Yoga (20 min)
Click through to download video This is one of my favorite morning yoga sessions, from Elise Fabricant on Yoga Download.…
FDR Week 1:
Nutrient-density, Hydration, Portions, Timing This week we’re going start out by focusing on four practical parts of this process that are really important to be able to lose weight while maintaining energy and health: Nutrient-density: what you eat should have the most nutrients possible, and fill you up to crowd out the empty-calorie-dense foods Hydration:
Quick-Prep Meals
Breakfast: Cinnamon-Raisin Porridge Blueberry Smoothie Lunch: ALT Wrap Hummus Sandwich Dinner: Warm Chickpea Salad Sushi Bowl Snacks: Hummus + Veggies Cucumber Toast Apple with PB Dates
Bonus Step:
Are you ready to lose those extra pounds that make your pants too tight, and make you feel like a…
Exercise: 24 min Strength Workout
Click through to download video Beginner: 24 min Bodyweight Strength Workout, with 30 seconds full effort and 30 seconds rest…
Exercise: 5 min Morning Boost
Click through to download video In just 5 minutes, you can kick-start your energy levels, metabolism and adrenal glands for…
Finding Your Motivation
Right click to download audio Do you find that each week you promise yourself you’re going to eat healthy and exercise, but then you get busy, and by Wednesday it all starts to fall apart? Over the weekend, you go to a party, or to the movies, or out for drinks with friends. You don’t
Step 3: Make delicious meals
Herbed Quinoa Kidney Bean Burger Recipe Imagine being able to make meals that are… full of flavor! low in calorie…
Step 2: Choose to cut out the crap
Today we’re going to break through the negative cycle you’re stuck in. Because that’s why you still eat things you…
Step 1: Bring in Good Stuff
Rather than taking things away, restricting yourself, “dieting”… Step 1 is to bring in the foods that nourish and support…
Chocolate Dipped Berries
Click through to download video Prep time: 10 min. Chill time: 20 min. Time from start to eating: 30 min.…
Pineapple Coconut Macaroons
Click through to download video Prep time: 10 min. Chill time: 20 min. Time from start to eating: 30 min.…
What motivates you?
There’s something inside you, right now, that’s telling you it’s important to eat and live healthfully. Sometimes it’s really strong,…
VFF Bonus Call: Long term
These are the practical tips you need to live a healthy energized life into the next 6 months, 6 years, and beyond… You’ll find some notes to download as a PDF with my nutrition recommendations, which will serve you on into the future as you work the information and insights from the past few weeks
VFF Call 5: Cleanse
This is the week you’ll do a short guided cleanse to nourish and rebalance your system, and clear out things that may be blocking your energy. Try to listen in to the call, I gave tons of tips for logistics, being realistic, keeping perspective, and making this work for you. Click through to download video
VFF Call 4: Stress, Sleep, Exercise
This call is about things you can do other than what you eat to boost your adrenal glands and your energy levels. We’ll talk about the single best (and simplest) way to get into exercise that will give your adrenals and your energy levels a massive boost. Trust me, this can make a huge difference–and
VFF Call 3: Nutritional Supplements
In our third call is all about supplements – nutritional and botanical. This is one of the most doable steps to cure your fatigue, and it’s something that can make all the difference between struggling to catch up – and being on top of your game. This is often the missing link for people who
VFF Call 2: Preventing the afternoon crash
In call 2, I’m going into a lot more depth about “stress” – the definition that’s broader than what we normally think of as stress, and what it does to your body over time. And gave you some solid and practical tips on how to prevent the afternoon crash, with healthy lunches and afternoon snacks,
VFF Call 1: Nourishing your body
After this first session, I was feeling inspired, excited, and mellow all at the same time. Being energized doesn’t have to mean buzzing around a party or being hyper. When you’re ready, curl up with a hot cup of tea and tune in: Click through to download video (mp4) Click to download slides (PDF) Click
Apple Cranberry Crumble
Click through to download video *mp4 Prep time: 15 min. Cook time: 20-25 min. Time from start to eating: 35-40…
Chocolate Brownie Cookies
Click through to download video Prep time: 15 min. Cook time: 15-20 min. Time from start to eating: 30-35 min.…
Banana Walnut Muffins
Click through to download video Prep time: 15 min. Cook time: 20-25 min. Time from start to eating: 35-40 min.…
Date Squares
Click through to download video *mp4 Prep time: 15 min. Cook time: 20-25 min. Time from start to eating: 35-40…
Healthy Vegan Desserts Course
Eating healthy food doesn’t mean we can’t have treats! I’m going to show you some of my favorite recipes and…
Exercise Plan (Cleanse)
Exercise is a great way to cleanse your body, since it stimulates your lymphatic system which is responsible for cleansing…
April Live Q&A
I showed off the exciting new chat function I added to the members’ site today, went through some ideas on grocery shopping and substitutions (pick up my general grocery list here), and visited Martha Stewart’s website to get some meal ideas that we could veganize and healthify. Now, I want your input! Would you like
Consult: Step 3S
This should be the last set of questions for now! I like to get as much detail as possible so…
Consult: Step 3N
This should be the last set of questions for now! I like to get as much detail as possible so…
Consult: Step 3M
This should be the last set of questions for now! I like to get as much detail as possible so…
Consult: Step 3G
This should be the last set of questions for now! I like to get as much detail as possible so…
Perfection v. Happiness
Click through to download video *mp4 I’ve included a variety of different foods and meals throughout the plan to keep things interesting. But if you find it too overwhelming to make that many different meals, feel free to make the same dishes over and over again, and try new ones when you can manage. I
Meal Plan Prep + Grocery Shopping Tips
Click through to download video *mp4 I’m so glad you’re ready to get started on the plan! This video has tips on grocery shopping – I took you to the store with me to show you various foods, what kinds of things to look for and substitution suggestions. Grocery shopping, and having a good grocery
Live Q&A #2: After the meal plan
In the 2nd live q&a session, I give tips on how to make this work in the long term and answer your questions.
Day 7: Happiness!
Click through to download video *mp4 Wow! I can’t believe it’s Saturday already… you’ve been having a fantastic week, and should be really proud of yourself. Take today to honor yourself, do something that makes you happy. If you pay attention to how you feel when you make healthy choices, it makes it so much
Day 6: Treats + Staying Healthy
Click through to download video *mp4 It’s Friday! The end of the week! This is when a lot of people start saying to themselves, ‘I’ve been so good! I deserve a treat…’ You definitely do – you’ve done amazingly well this week with healthy eating! But keep the big picture in mind, and don’t go
Day 5: Whole Foods + Supplements
Click through to download video *mp4 Happy Thursday! (or whatever day of the week you wind up finding yourself on Day 5) I have a quick pep talk for you about eating whole foods, listening to your body’s cues as opposed to being driven by cravings and taking supplements. If you want some recommendations on
Day 4: Halfway! Lunch Out
Click through to download video *mp4 Day 4! Wednesday! Hump Day! Halfway! Today I had lunch out with a friend, so I talked about how I made that work while on the meal plan and gave some tips for that.
Day 3: Snacks + Gas
Click through to download video *mp4 Welcome to Day 3 of the meal plan! 2 thoughts for today: 1. Snacks are really easy to switch up. Have different fruits, nuts, seeds, bean dips, etc. Try some other whole foods recipes from my website if you want. 2. If you have gas, most likely you aren’t
Digestive Enzymes
These can help your digestive system if you eat something really complex or heavy, or if your system is sluggish.…
Day 2: Hydration + Cooking Tutorials
Click through to download video *mp4 Monday morning update, Day 2 of the meal plan. This morning I’m sipping some tea, and reminding that sometimes we feel hungry when we’re actually thirsty, so be sure to hydrate 🙂 I also mentioned that there are some bonus videos showing you how to cook if you’re new
Custom Meal Plan Assessment
The answers to these questions will help me put together your custom meal plan.
Day 1: Run + Hunger
Click through to download video *mp4 Update from me going through Day 1 (Sunday) of the meal plan! I talked about how the plan is laid out for those who don’t want to think, just want to follow what I’ve laid out. But – you don’t have to follow the plan strictly or precisely. You
What about kids?
My meal plans are not specifically designed for kids. I don’t have kids, so I don’t guarantee that my meals will be appealing to little ones’ tastebuds. That said, I hear from a lot of moms that their kids do really enjoy some of my meals! Tastes among kids vary so widely though, and you
Consult: Step 3D
This should be the last set of questions for now! I like to get as much detail as possible so…
Consult: Step 3
Remember, don’t feel like you need to mark down a lot of symptoms to get better recommendations – it’s on…
Is Animal Protein Better Than Plant Protein?
Remember you can figure out the amount of protein you need through the protein calculator.
Do Plant Foods Need To Be Combined?
In this video, I’m talking about whether different plant foods need to be combined for their protein to be absorbed properly. I’m going to get a bit technical again, and explain what amino acids are and what a complete protein is – but I’m hoping to keep it easy enough that it makes sense! This
How Much Protein Do You Need?
If you don’t like doing math, head to my amazing protein calculator to calculate your specific protein needs. It’s really simple, and I spent a long time getting all of the variables in there – like whether you’re an athlete, are pregnant or breastfeeding, are recovering from surgery and more. You can calculate protein needs
How To Get Balanced Vegan Nutrition
In this video, I’m talking about how to get all the nutrients you need from a vegan diet! There are 2 extreme viewpoints I’m looking to balance: 1. It’s impossible to get all the nutrients you need from a vegan diet. 2. Plants can give us all the nutrients we need. Neither of these statements
Having Fun With Healthy Eating
I asked what your #1 challenge was in making those crucial healthy changes a reality. Here’s what I heard most: healthy food doesn’t taste good I don’t have enough time healthy food costs too much money vegan meals are too weird and restrictive I don’t know what to eat and/or can’t find vegan food That’s
Consult: Step 2
The questions you’ll find below are about your symptoms, to discover deficiencies & imbalances. The information is not to diagnose…
Protein Q&A
Live q&a about protein – sorry, the recording didn’t pick up my screen. You’ll have to trust without the visual, and just from her bark, that Zoe is a pretty cute dog 🙂 If you want me to do another live q&a, tell me in the contact form on the right of this page 🙂
Consult: Step 1
https://player.vimeo.com/video/128290981 High five! You’ve taken the first step to a higher level of healthy eating. There are basics that are…
Probiotics are the good bacteria that live in your digestive tract, and they serve a lot of useful purposes. If…
DHA (Essential Fatty Acids)
DHA is a form of omega-3 that is absolutely crucial to proper brain development. Since it’s difficult to digest, absorb…
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 supplements are necessary for vegans, and also for anyone with digestive issues and for older adults. If someone…
Grocery Shopping Tips
Click through to download video *mp4 Grocery shopping, and having a good grocery list, is key to sticking to a healthy way of eating. That’s where you choose the foods that are going into your home. I put together a specific shopping list to tell you exactly what you need for the week, so that
Cleanse Supplements
There are a few important supplements that you should add to help support your body as it works to get…
Candy Cane Ice Cream
Prep time: 10 min. Makes enough for 1 large serving, or 2 small ones. Ingredients 1 banana, peeled and frozen…
What to Drink?
Download a PDF You may have noticed that there aren’t any drinks listed in my meal plans. That’s up to you – but here’s some guidance on ideas: Water Water is always the best choice for a drink. It’s refreshing and hydrating. I like putting it in my water bottle because I wind up drinking
Food Journal
Download your food journal A food diary in its most basic form is a list of all the foods and…
Kitchen Notes & Glossaries
Here are some introductory notes on how to set up your kitchen, what equipment is necessary, what cooking techniques and…
4-week Transition Plan
Here’s what’s inside: All the recipes from the 4 weeks of the meal plan Grocery lists Calendars to help you keep track List of what food you need to prep each day How to make calorie adjustments *Note: This pdf is at an average calorie level of 1600. You may need to add or subtract
Healthy Weight Loss
Success Without The ‘Diet’ Here’s what’s inside: How to use portion sizes to lose weight How foods affect your metabolism…
Transition Guide
To Healthy Plant-Based Eating Here’s what’s inside: 3 crucial healthy eating habits My best transition tips How to make food…
Finding Motivation
Make Healthy Eating Fun Here’s what’s inside: Healthy eating – not a ‘diet’ Dealing with cravings Healthy swaps for specific…
Nutrition Guide
For Plant-Based Eaters Here’s what’s inside: Balance and plant food groups Balanced nutrition for vegans Supplements Impact of different cooking…
Healthy Kitchen Tips
How To Set Up, Save Time And Save Money Here’s what’s inside: Saving time in the kitchen Saving money on…
Healthy Holiday Survival Guide
Festive Vegan Menu & Recipes Here’s what’s inside: Full veganized traditional holiday menu 30 Recipes for mains, sides and desserts…