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  • Transition

    4-week Transition Plan

    Here’s what’s inside: All the recipes from the 4 weeks of the meal plan Grocery lists Calendars to help you keep track List of what food you need to prep each day How to make calorie adjustments *Note: This pdf is at an average calorie level of 1600. You may need to add or subtract

    To access this post, you must be registered for all-access meal plan membership and logged in (see below). If you are a member and have any issues, send me an email and we'll sort it out!

  • Transition

    Chocolate Quinoa Breakfast Pudding

    I love making chocolate for breakfast, and this is a perfectly healthy way to to it. Cooking the quinoa with a bit of non-dairy milk makes it creamier, though you can do it with all water if you prefer. Makes 1 serving for breakfast, plus leftover quinoa. Prep Time: 5 min. Cook Time: 20 min.

    To access this post, you must be registered for all-access meal plan membership and logged in (see below). If you are a member and have any issues, send me an email and we'll sort it out!

  • Transition

    Make Food Taste Delicious

    Click through to download video Audio: The best way to motivate yourself to eat healthy food is to make it taste incredibly delicious. The only danger there is that sometimes, I make healthy dishes that taste so good I eat so much that my stomach starts to hurt. I’d rather you eat too much

    To access this post, you must be registered for all-access meal plan membership and logged in (see below). If you are a member and have any issues, send me an email and we'll sort it out!

  • Transition

    Transition Tips

    Audio: Change is hard. Any time you try to change something in your life, you have to learn new information and figure out new ways of doing things. But if you want to change your results, you need to change your behaviors. If you want to feel healthier or lose weight, you have to

    To access this post, you must be registered for all-access meal plan membership and logged in (see below). If you are a member and have any issues, send me an email and we'll sort it out!

  • Transition

    Getting Vegetables Into Meals

    Click through to download video Audio: Having trouble getting your family to eat veggies? Read on for seven easy ways to make veggies more delicious. Vegetables, although very healthy, do have a component of bitterness to them. Since children in general have more sensitive taste buds than adults, designed to protect their more sensitive

    To access this post, you must be registered for all-access meal plan membership and logged in (see below). If you are a member and have any issues, send me an email and we'll sort it out!

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