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If you’re a member, you can log in here: Member Login – by entering your username (the email you gave when you signed up – could be your paypal email) and password (there’s a reset link if you’ve forgotten it).

If you’re not a member yet, you can become one here: Meal Plan Membership.

Welcome to the veganook meal plan club!

Time and again, I hear from meal plan members who are blown away by the changes that can happen when they start eating a healthy, balanced vegan diet.

Digestion issues often clear up, along with skin, blood sugar gets more balanced and cardiovascular health markers start moving in the right direction. Your body is an amazing machine that takes care of itself so well – when we get out of the way and let it do its thing.

So that’s what I’ve set up for you in this program, a way to up-level what you’re eating and get balanced nutrition to fuel everything you want out of life. Here’s a tour of how things work…

Site Tour