The questions you’ll find below are about your symptoms, to discover deficiencies & imbalances. The information is not to diagnose a condition, and not to treat the symptoms specifically. Instead, we want to correct the underlying imbalance – your symptoms give clues as to what that is.
The goal is to bring your body back to balance and enable its inherent ability to be healthy. As you improve your diet, you let your body do what it does best – heal itself.
Your personalized nutrition recommendations will then be targeted as specifically as possible to correcting your imbalance.
Some of the topics in here get a bit personal. You don’t need to tell me your deepest darkest secrets, but I do need to know some things that probably wouldn’t come up in your average conversation.
Don’t worry, I’m not going to tell anyone how gassy you are. If you’re too shy to mention something, my recommendations for you won’t be as accurate or complete, so I hope you feel comfortable enough to let me know exactly what’s going on with you.
Go through the following questions and mark down the symptoms that you are experiencing or have had in the last three months. For the ones that apply to you, rank them on a scale of 1 to 3: 1 being mild and/or rarely, 3 being severe and/or often. They’re all defaulted to 0, which is never.
Don’t feel like you need to mark down a lot of them to get better recommendations – it’s on a relative scale, not an absolute one. Also, try not to give in to hypochondria – if you put down too many symptoms it can mask the real issue.
If you’re not sure what something means, feel free to look it up and/or ask a friend. This is an open book questionnaire, not a test. Some of the questions have a question mark at the end, which will give you clarification on how to answer.