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Recipe: Chocolate Squash Crumble

Recipe: Chocolate Squash Crumble
Heather Nicholds

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Ok, I know what you’re thinking: chocolate isn’t the answer to cravings!
Reality check: you can indulge your cravings if you find a healthy way to do it.

What if I told you that enjoying chocolate in its purest form—as cocoa—is going to give you all the wonderful benefits of chocolate (antioxidants, minerals), plus the vitamins and minerals that make squash so nourishing – all while satisfying your chocolate-tooth? (Is that a word? I think it should be!)

And I know you’re also thinking squash? Chocolate? How can that taste good? You just have to trust me on this one… it is phenomenal. Bonus: it’s so nourishing, you could even eat this for breakfast…

Click to download the recipe:
Chocolate Squash Crumble Recipe

Chocolate Squash Crumble

Makes: 1 serving.
Prep Time: 10 min. Cook Time: 15 min.


  • 1/2 cup butternut squash
  • 2 Tbsp dates
  • 2 Tbsp cocoa or carob powder
  • 4 tbsp almond milk
  • optional: 1/2 tsp cinnamon, pinch cayenne
  • 2 Tbsp rolled oats, dry
  • 2 Tbsp walnuts


  1. Bake or steam the squash until soft.
  2. Puree the cooked squash, dates, cocoa and almond milk. Put them in a small baking dish and top with the oats and almonds, ground up together. Bake for 15 min or so, then enjoy hot or chilled.


Let us know below if you make the crumble or another craving-busting healthy treat. And share a photo of your creation in our facebook group:
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Healthy Cleanse Program

Healthy Cleanse Program

This recipe is from my cleanse programs, as a healthy and delicious treat to wrap up a week of respecting and rebalancing our bodies. Because I don’t believe chocolate and health are mutually exclusive.

It’s not an extreme detox, it’s a nutritionally-balanced meal plan designed to cleanse your body naturally. There’s a smoothie and a veggie version, depending on what your body needs or what season it is.

Click here to learn more


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